Wi-Fi enabled in both your modem and router = Bad

posted in: networking & Wi-Fi | 0

wifi modem routerIs your Wi-Fi slow and inconsistent? Do your devices constantly seem to drop the Wi-Fi signal and then pick it up again?

Recently we’ve seen three separate occasions, and two different internet providers, where the customer had a modem with built-in Wi-Fi, as well as a router with Wi-Fi and the wireless was turned on in both of them! While this may not be adding to your bill each month, it is very likely hurting your Wi-Fi performance, especially if they are not using the older 2.4GHz signal range. Cable company installers likely don’t have the time or the responsibility to make sure ALL of your networking equipment is set up correctly – mainly just the items they supply. Give Tech Ease a call for a networking tune-up today. We’ll check out all of your networking equipment, go through all the settings and optimize its performance. Looking to upgrade to the latest AC wireless technology or an enterprise-level network system? We can help with that too.

Call or email Tech Ease today for more information.