A nice surprise from Apple Time Capsule

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I was recently at a customer’s house that had upgraded their internet service to 50mbps download speed and 5mbps upload speed.  As a result of that change, they were no longer given a static IP address, which their Apple Time Capsule router/backup device was configured for.  According to the customer, the cable installer spent four hours trying to get the Time Capsule to give them wireless access to the internet.  The best he could do was reset the Time Capsule to it’s default settings and plug their computers in the modem with wires.

The customer called me to help and when I arrived at the house I checked my phone to see what the network name (SSID) was, and it was a default name…….I was bummed because it would take quite a bit of time to re-setup the Time Capsule again, for no reason.  What happened next is another reason why I recommend Apple products.  When I opened the Airport Utility on the customer’s Mac, a window popped up asking if I wanted to restore the previous settings of the Time Capsule or start from scratch.  I selected restore, clicked through a couple of windows and after changing the IP address assignment of the Time Capsule from manual to DHCP their problems were solved.  That feature saved me so much time.  Way to go Apple!