Do you know if your internet access is working correctly?

internet speed checker

We see it time and again, we are at a customer’s house to do other work, and while using their internet connection, find that they aren’t getting the upload and download speeds they are supposed to, have high ping numbers or worse yet, packet loss.

You can use these sites to help test your internet connection: or (if you are in Central Ohio and have Time Warner Cable)

Find out what your upload and download speeds should be compare them to the actual result you get. The ping should be as low as possible, ideally less than 20ms. is another useful site and can measure packet loss and will give your connection a grade.  Anything higher than 0% packet loss will seriously affect your connection. You should not settle for anything less than an A or B connection grade.

It is amazing how much nicer is is to use your internet-enabled devices when your WI-FI is working properly.

If you have questions about your results from the above websites, or would like Tech Ease to help you troubleshoot your connection to get it working properly, give us a call or send us and email via our contact form.