Not ready for a new device, but need a tune up?

posted in: Apple iOS devices, computers | 0

Phones and computers – especially Apple iPhones and Macs can last longer than you might think. Just because your device is a few years old, a little slow, full or has bad battery life doesn’t necessarily mean it is time to scrap it. An electronic tune up can make a device act like new again for much less cost than a new one. Recently Tech Ease has brought new life to the following devices:

Apple iPhone 4s battery replacement

Apple iPhone 4s dock connector replacement

Apple iMac ram upgrade

Apple MacBook Pro ram upgrade – a must if your Mac is a few years old and you have several apps open at the same time

Apple 27″ iMac hard drive replacement, operating system reload and transfer of information just as it was

Apple iPhone 5 battery replacement

Apple iPhone 5c battery replacement

Apple iPhone 4 (that was full) photo extraction/backup and deletion to make space

Contact Tech Ease and let us know what device you would like to keep happily using for a few more years.