Why Bother With a Networking Professional?

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Internet access and Wi-Fi gain importance in our lives every day. Our computers, phones, televisions, doorbells, music streamers, security cameras and more rely on it – as well as our kids!

You pay a lot for internet access every month, why not make sure you are utilizing all that you are paying for? I almost always see significant issues with at least one aspect of customers’ networks. A networking professional can perform and take into account:

    1. Internet Service Provider (ISP) consulting to ensure the correct internet service plan is selected, and maybe even save you money
    2. ISP signal strength and consistency
    3. Networking equipment location analysis
    4. The number of and types of devices to be connected to the network
    5. Signal coverage including running wires to network extension “nodes”
    6. The number of network users
    7. Network security and parental controls
    8. Remote management, monitoring and alerts to be made aware of network issues

The point is, networking equipment is not plug and play and the installers that work for your ISP don’t have the time or available equipment to set up your network perfectly. If you don’t know what the status of your network is and want to make sure you are getting what you are paying for, if you have drops, stalling, Wi-Fi coverage issues or just want an amazing Wi-Fi/internet experience, give Tech Ease a call.